How Board Games May Benefit Your Mental Health?
Did you know during these restrictive and often boring social distancing measures throughout the COVID-19 pandemic have boosted user engagement with board games lately? People across the world have been looking for ways to pass the time, and board games have come out as savior.
Well, it won’t be wrong to say; these user numbers have just skyrocketed like anything. Today, these board games are into the golden age. There have been a lot of discussions, and the main focus of that has been on the mental and general wellbeing of a person. Research shows that even playing these games can maintain good mental and cognitive health and ensure a longer lifespan.
The present times are so stressful for almost everyone. So, playing these mind-jogging and the best thematic board games Montreal can kill time. As per the data gathered by Betway, it has been found that the term “Board Game” was searched more often during this COVID-19 outspread than in any other month. You will be amazed to know that almost every gaming company has seen its revenues increasing like never ever before during this COVID-19 quarantine.
Let me present you with some figures that will make things clearer:
- One of the most popular board games, twitch, has recorded more than 1.49 billion gaming hours in April 2020.
- The sales of board games have increased by 285.6% during these pandemic times.
- The game industry is almost grown by 49% and created lucrative revenues.
How Can Playing Board Games Benefit The Mental Health?
If you are someone who is looking for ways to pass the time and relax, playing board games can be a great choice. Doing so will give you a chance to have some real fun with the people you love the most. In fact, these games can take all the pressure off by giving you something to enjoy. So, I feel getting together and playing these board games in groups or with someone you love can be supportive of your mental health.
Today, there are different types of board games available that you are sure to find the one that suits your personality. One may go for strategy-based games or other group-oriented ones – all rely on his or her choice. Having the Internet at fingertips, you can make most of this quarantine and enjoy playing these board games. If you are now curious to know the health benefits of these board games, then here I am going to highlight some of them.
Board games help in reducing stress – Playing these games is indeed fun to do thing. According to the study done by Realnetworks Inc, lately, it has been found that these games work great in reducing stress, and support mental balance. No matter what might be going on in your life, playing these games will give you a break from everything, be it boredom, work from home job, or whatnot. When playing board games, you will enter into a completely new world, mostly when it happens to tabletop games. So, if you find yourself stressed out in this pandemic and don’t know how to cope-up with it, give a shot to these games. So, play them and give yourself time to breathe and relax.
Board games increase mental agility – Playing board games is beneficial in keeping brains active and works great in lowering risks of cognitive decline too. But note that these games aren’t made equally. Some of them are just created for fun, while some will require focus and skill from one’s end. For example, when playing games such as solitaire, one has to make use of memory to play and win it; on the other hand, games like Yahtzee will demand maths skills from one’s end. Therefore, things like this help in increasing mental agility without even knowing it. So, make this quarantine all fun by playing.
Board games help in family cohesion – Today, there are innumerable board games out there that are simple and well-designed to be enjoyed by people. It’s a game that allows the family to take part in it altogether. Via these board games, people get more opportunity for more face to face interaction, which in itself is supportive of having good mental health. In today’s time, where too often people are stuck on their phone or their tablets, playing board games, whether competitively or collaboratively, you are engaging with your family in person and building a better emotional bond with one another.
A person will have real fun while playing board games – Laughter is known to lessen cortisol, a hormone that occurs when you are highly stressed out. Even though this is related to the reduction of stress you learned about earlier, fun in it is its top benefit. So, when you are playing these board games, you allow yourself to have real fun and enjoy life.
Never underestimate the power of enjoying and laughing with friends and family. Play the most thematic board games Montreal game that encourages you to have silly and have real fun. Any game that gets you to break your shell and act silly, having the fun is the best one. So, when it happens to have better mental health, time spent having fun is never wasted.
Final Thoughts –
Board games are a great way to connect with your family in this COVID-19 times, and it will take you away from all troubles of life and give your brain an exercise. By now, you probably clear on some of the top benefits of board games. The gains and benefits gained from play these games will help you in many ways. So, why don’t we play them in this quarantine and make the best out of this pandemic with our families and loved ones?