Best simple 10 board games for preschoolers for Christmas 2021.

Holiday season 2021 is going to be different than last year, keeping our fingers crossed. We are still living in uncertain times. But playing board games can and will guarantee a fun and engaging way for you to spend quality time with your children and family.
The following games are modern, innovative and unique games. They take the meaning of board games to another level, in my opinion. This being said, don’t get me wrong, the classic games like Candy Land, Monopoly, Snakes and Ladder are still great classic games.

When planning to buy board games for kid, there are some factors to consider: it needs to be one everyone can get involved in, with a rulebook that won’t put someone off and engaging enough to keep the kids entertained. Even though we try to limit our list to 10 best games, we came across many wonderful new board games which are worthy to mention, but in another blog in the near future.

Keep in mind, every kid is different, so finding the perfect game for a specific age is tricky. These below hand chosen board games integrate skills like planning, concentrating, thinking consecutively, hand dexterity, using memory and language abilities which are important for growth. Another important skill board games can teach is patience.
I am such a sore loser and takes a lot to stay tuned in and stay Zen when on verge of losing. Anyway, this topic is for another blog as well. So for kids to start young, how to figure to show restraint, how not to be overly bossy and to take both winning and losing equally is a critical part for a well balanced individual in the future.
So, here is the top 10 favorite games of BoardGameNMore for preschoolers. Most of our games are from Amigo and Haba manufacturers. Very simple and fast games.
- ANIMAL ON ANIMAL https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/animal-upon-animal-p2076c55.html
- SPOT IT https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/party/spot-it-p1344c55c102.html
- RING-A-DING-DING GAME https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/family/ring-a-ding-ding-p1221c55c100.html
- RHINO HERO https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/family/rhino-hero-p1338c55c100.html
- SNAIL SPRINT https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/snail-sprint-p1341c55.html
- ENGINE ENGINE NO 9 https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/amigo-games/engine-engine-no-9-p1295c55.html
- CONNECT THE THOUGHTS https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/family/connect-the-thoughts-p1224c55c100.html
- CAKE OFF https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/family/cake-off-p1228c55c100.html
- CLACK https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/family/clack-p1229c55c100.html
- DEJA VU https://www.boardgamesnmore.com/en/board-games/family/deja-vu-p1272c55c100.html

Coming up soon : Board games for young school-aged children for this Christmas 2021.