

Unleash Your Imagination with Top Abstract Games!

Imagine escaping the monotonous and day-to-day grind and momentarily slipping into the stimulating role of someone else. Board games never let you get bored! There are several abstract board games such as Boop, LYNGK, TA-KE, and many others that give Read more ›

Guide for Abstract Games: Unleash your Strategic Thinking

All games are “Abstract” games, allowing us to escape the boring and monotonous life for a while. It momentarily grants us opportunity to act, and to make decisions, from a perspective which is entirely different from our current life situation. Read more ›

Top 5 Mental Health Advantages of Playing Board Games!

Well, it is not just kids who play and enjoy board games, we all enjoy playing board games with our family and friends. In this age of hyperconnectivity, detaching yourself for just a couple of hours from technology looks like Read more ›

How Gaming Skills Can Help You Get a Better Job?

Continuously growing evidence reflects that you can use your problem-solving and leadership qualities attained from playing board games to get a job and advance your career objectives and goals. Since games’ inception, it has been considered a time-consuming activity with Read more ›

Boost Abstract Thinking in Young Children!

Can you imagine a dismal society where all that exists are concrete thoughts?   Black-and-white thinkers would rule the day, and we wouldn’t have access to contemporary conveniences like cell phones, lightbulbs, or airplanes. Without current technology, we wouldn’t even have Read more ›