

Trending 2 Player Board Games- Must Have Suggestions!

Undeniably, board games are a leisurely way to fritter away time. Afterall, it is better to play than just stare the screen. While many boards require multiple people to play, there are several board games that are worth playing between Read more ›

Guide for Abstract Games: Unleash your Strategic Thinking

All games are “Abstract” games, allowing us to escape the boring and monotonous life for a while. It momentarily grants us opportunity to act, and to make decisions, from a perspective which is entirely different from our current life situation. Read more ›

Skytear Horde: Best Online Board Game

Influenced by tower defense video games, Skytear Horde is a fantastic online board game that can be played in both ways, solo as well as in teams. Imagine protecting your castle from the Hordes of Minions who have assaulted it. Read more ›

Ultimate Tips for Chess Fanatics: Best 2 Player Board Games

Chess is not just a board game; it is a way of keeping our minds intelligent, sharp, diligent, and organized. It’s about being prudent and competitive. The game requires theoretical analysis, preparation, and implementation. It is crucial to analyze your Read more ›

Benefits of Playing Board Games for Senior Citizens!

Senior citizen generally refers to someone who is sixty years old. It varies globally from sixty-two to sixty-five years according to the age of retirement from the workforce for enrollment to secure social security benefits in developed countries. It is Read more ›

The Best 2 Player Board Games to Play with Your Partner!

Playing board games is a perfect way to form a bond! We have compiled a comprehensive list of the best 2 player board games you can enjoy with your partner. They have become surprisingly popular among our screen-obsessed generation in Read more ›

Convince Your Family to Play Board Games with You!

Board games are a beloved source of entertainment, even in this digital era. Playing board games with family & friends is nothing less than pure bliss. Now the million-dollar question is how to motivate them to play board games in Read more ›