The world of Westeros has been defined and shaped by religion, whether held devoutly or used as a pretense for power. In Favor of the Old Gods, you'll..
Join the battle for the Iron Throne with the House Lannister Intro Deck for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! This pre-constructed deck introduces you..
Thicker Than Any Other "Standard" Sleeves - Most "Standard" Sleeves are 40 microns thick, a few are even 50 microns. These are 60 microns thick! That ..
This is THE single most useful size sleeve to own, it will likely be 40% of our total KS pledges as it is good for MTG and literally thousands of game..
Matte back and front for clearvisibility, averting symptoms ofeye fatigue during gameplay
Prevents bent corners, scratchesand damages from shuffling
Some important links: The Official FAQ, the Unofficial FAQ, and an Automa (solo and 2p) OverviewDune: Imperium is a game that finds inspiration in ele..
On an uninhabited island in uncharted seas, explorers have found traces of a great civilization. Now you will lead an expedition to explore the island..
Cascadia is a puzzly tile-laying and token-drafting game featuring the habitats and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest.In the game, you take turns buil..
Crazy Karts is a team-based, fast-paced racing game for 3-8 players, who compete in teams of two in which each player controls specific actions of their kart, but they cannot communicate with their teammate!In more detail, one player controls the brakes and turns, while the other player speeds up an..
In Covalence, players work together to accurately reconstruct a number of secret organic compounds. One player takes on the role of the “Knower” who has knowledge of the secret compounds, while all other players, “Builders”, must deduce what these secret compounds are, based ..
There's a big mess on the table! Who can clean up the cards the fastest, while also lining up cards that match one another?In Connect the Thoughts – first released as Kuddelmuddel, which is German for "hodgepodge" – players try to put together chains of cards in order to score ..
Concordia Venus includes new personality cards with the goddess Venus allowing for new strategies, two maps (Hellas/Ionium) on which to play (using components from the Concordia base game in addition to new cards), and rules that enable teams of two players to play against one another.Note: This lis..
"Salsa" is the Latin word for "salted", and in the Concordia: Salsa expansion for Concordia, players will find: Two new maps: "Byzantium" and "Hispania" Salt: Wooden salt tokens (a sixth commodity) and city tokens for salt-producing cities. Salt can be..
Concordia: Gallia / Corsica is an expansion for Concordia that contains two maps for new strategic challenges: In Gallia, you start moving around with only one land colonist and have to settle inside one of the harbor cities before you can use your sea colonist as well. In Corsica, you will ..
Concordia: Britannia / Germania features a double-sided map for Concordia. The Britannia map offers tight play with only 23 cities in ten provinces. Players start in London and Boulogne, expanding Britannia from the south. The Germania map features 30 cities in twelve provinces again. The ad..
Concordia: Balearica features the Balearic Islands of MAIORICA (Mallorca), MINORICA (Menorca), EBUSUS (Ibiza), and FRUMENTARIA (Formentera).Each player starts with two ships already at sea. There is no capital city to start from. Land colonists are built only later in the game, but can switch their ..
Concordia: Aegyptus / Creta is an expansion for Concordia that contains two maps for new strategic challenges: In Aegyptus, the Nile and its yearly flood brings some extra food. You can also engage yourself in trade with frankincense or gold for sestertii and victory points at the end of the game..
Concordia: Balearica features the balearic islands of MAIORICA (Mallorca), MINORICA (Menorca), EBUSUS (Ibiza), and FRUMENTARIA (Formentera).Each player starts with two ships already at sea. There is no capital city to start from. Land colonists are built only later in the game, but can switch their ..
In the 15th and 16th century, Portugal is thriving under its leading role during the Age of Discovery. Nestled in the heart of Portugal, the city of Coimbra serves as a cultural center of the country. As the head of one of Coimbra's oldest houses, you seek to earn prestige by deepening relation..
Codenames: The Simpsons combines the hit social word game Codenames, while featuring characters and locations from thirty years of The Simpsons.In Codenames, two teams — Team Homer and Team Bart — compete to see who can guess all of their "field agents" (identified by either a ..