Brand: Devil Pig Games
Model: BGNM5439
Who wouldn’t want a little extra bacon again?This pack contains a new Hero for the Commonwealth, Lieutenant Lindsay Baker affiliated with the 43rd Infantry Division (Worcestshire Regiment), as well as a Piat Customization so that the King’s soldiers don’t find themselves without an..
Brand: Devil Pig Games
Model: BGNM5135
Behind the metallurgical factories of Colombelles is the castle of the same name. The building, subjected to heavy bombardment, miraculously escaped destruction. Elements of the 16. Luftwaffen Feld Division and the 21. Panzer Division were entrenched inside and slowed down the advance of the 3rd Can..
Brand: Devil Pig Games
Model: BGNM5136
Since the United States entered the war, eerie things have happened during Halloween. Several years in a row, out of nowhere, a haunted Stuart tank had appeared. In a blaze of fire and fury, flanked by pumpkin-headed soldiers, it had trundled straight into enemy lines and wreaked havoc on any terror..
Brand: Devil Pig Games
Model: BGNM5134
Who wouldn’t take a little extra bacon?This pack contains a new American Hero from the Big Red One, as well as a grenade customization so your heroes don’t end up naked in the middle of the battlefield. Two Intelligence cards that can be added to your deck before a game, if your opponent..
Brand: Devil Pig Games
Model: BGNM4794
The time is summer 1944. The Sun shines on Normandie hedgerows. Gentle wind, fields of bright flowers, and in the background, the romantic staccato of machine gun fire in the morning. In these typical French countryside landscapes, thousands of men are about to fight. And die. Bravely like heroes, o..
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