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Preorder games are games that are currently in back order or to be released in the near future. Please purchase if you want to maintain a copy when the back order arrives or the preorder arrives. Orders will be provided on a first come first serve basis before stock is placed online.

Star Wars: Legion – X-34 Landspeeder Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1896
Unable to match the Empire's production of military equipment, the Rebel Alliance makes do with whatever they have on hand — which often means converting civilian vehicles into weapons of war. Soon, you'll be able to adapt one of the Star Wars saga's most iconic speeders to fit your needs on t..
Star Wars: Legion – Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1888
The Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk has seen its share of intergalactic conflict in recent decades, and the Wookiees will do whatever it takes to protect their home. Although they are a rare sight on the battlefield, Wookiees can quickly enter a berserker rage that any surviving enemies will not soon ..
Star Wars: Legion – TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1886
For the Galactic Empire, conquering a planet is only the beginning of the battle. Massive vehicles like AT-STs and elite shock troops like Imperial Death Troopers may be effective at sweeping across battlefields and capturing new territory, but they rarely stick around to hold this ground. Soon, how..
Star Wars: Legion – Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1900
The windswept plains of Hoth are treacherous even to native beasts, but tauntaun riders are trained to expertly handle their surefooted mounts, searching tirelessly for signs of the Empire. The tauntauns themselves can be quite dangerous, and few enemies wish to find themselves in the path of these ..
Star Wars: Legion – Stormtroopers Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1856
"Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise." –Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: A New HopeNo image is more iconic and symbolic of the Empire's power than the expressionless helmet of an Imperial Stormtrooper. These soldiers have been deployed on hundreds of worlds across the galaxy, and ..
Star Wars: Legion – Sabine Wren Operative Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1904
Born into the proud warrior culture of Mandalore, Sabine Wren carries the history of her people within the very armor she wears into battle. Fueled by this history, she now lends her skills as both a warrior and an artist to the cause of the Rebellion.Within the Sabine Wren Operative Expansion, you&..
Star Wars: Legion – Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1903
With instincts honed in the trenches, Rebel veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war against the Empire. Through the countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds that they have seen, Rebel veterans can always be relied upon to get the job done, to hold the line, or to ..
Star Wars: Legion – Rebel Troopers Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1860
The Alliance recruits warriors from every world — wherever they can find beings who have come to hate the Empire's tyranny. Together, these ragtag groups of recruits become Rebel Troopers, carrying out the fight against the Empire on dozens of worlds across the galaxy. The Rebel Trooper is wel..
Star Wars: Legion – Phase II Clone Troopers Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1880
Phase II clone trooper armor reflected one of the Republic's greatest technological successes and included advanced tactical gear that further augmented the clone troopers' individual strengths. Additionally, the clones wearing this armor were themselves better trained and more experienced than thos..
Star Wars: Legion – Phase I Clone Troopers Upgrade Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1889
The Galactic Republic’s Phase I Clone Troopers are always armed with state-of-the-art equipment. For most clone troopers, this means carrying the powerful and versatile DC-15A blaster rifle, but a select few Phase I Troopers are trained in the use of even more weapons, ensuring the Grand Army ..
Star Wars: Legion – Imperial Shoretroopers Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1879
Selected for rotational duty from exceptional Stormtrooper squads, Imperial Shoretroopers are trained not only in tropical environment operations, but also in entrenched warfare. Often assigned to important bases such as the Imperial security facility on Scarif, Shoretroopers use their expertise and..
Star Wars: Legion – Imperial Royal Guards Unit Expansion
Brand: Fantasy Flight Games Model: BGNM1883
Inscrutable behind their blood-red masks, the Imperial Royal Guard will face down anyone who dares threaten the Emperor. While little is known about these enigmatic warriors, one thing is certain: their sole directive is to protect the leader of the Galactic Empire, with their lives if necessary.The..