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Seeders from Sereis: Exodus - Board Games

Seeders from Sereis: Exodus ($84.99) - Board Games
Seeders from Sereis: Exodus - Board Games
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Reward Points: 85
  • Model: BGNM2533
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Seeders from Sereïs is a trans-media science-fiction universe that's been created over five years by Serge Macasdar and Charbel Fourel and which contains post-humans, space opera, extensive journeys on space arks, lost empires, exo-biology, genetic evolution, android developments, and more.

Seeders from Sereïs - Episode 1: Exodus is the first game of a serial of ten set in this universe. When an unknown force threatens to render their home uninhabitable, the Seeders must build arks — giant colony ships — to ensure their survival. Players work to create the most promising design to be chosen for production. Each turn players draft cards into their hands as cards are laid out on the board. Players strategically place negotiator chips between the cards they want, using their alignment and position to determine who has the most influence over a desired card. Once all negotiators and tokens are placed, influence is calculated and the winners of each card is determined.

Once obtained, cards can be played for points, adding value to your ark, or discarded for resources. Each card represents a different component of the ark — locations, items, personnel — and players will find unique synergies between cards as well as their player color's unique power. Asymmetry and complex interactions add layers of strategy that lead to a unique experience each time you play.

Players 2 - 4 players
Age 14+ years
Time 120 - 120 mins
Designers Charbel Fourel, Serge Macasdar
Artists François Baranger, Gaël Lannurien
Mechanism Auction/Bidding, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building, Open Drafting, Worker Placement
Year Published 2017
Difficulty 3.2/5
Game Type Competitive
Rating 7.6/10
BGG Link Click Here

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